Across the Arafura

Across the Arafura

Weave Films is bouncing across the Arafura Sea to work in Indonesia, reinforcing our determination to develop greater ties with our nearest neighbour.

(FACT: did you know its quicker for Darwin residents to travel to Indonesia than to their nearest regional town of Katherine, or to fly interstate to Brisbane?) 

We're working with UNICEF to observe media and communications around sports and physical education at various sites around the archipelago, including assessing the viability of a documentary on work being done to improve sports in schools.

It's an exciting opportunity because it draws of a number of special interests including film and documentary, journalism and communications, and community development and humanitarian work.

Additionally, we've been developing a couple of film ideas linking Australia and Indonesia for a while and hope that visiting the region and getting a greater understanding of the country and people will help us assess the viability of the proposals.

If you have any questions or need to speak to Weave urgently, please contact:
